Announcing Splunk Support

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    MTI now supports Splunk

    Developers Rejoice! MTI now supports Splunk.

    Handling hundreds of thousands of calls creates a lot of log data. MTI needed a better way to manage and analyze our log data so we implemented Splunk internally. After successfully deploying Splunk internally, we are now offering all of our customers Splunk integration access. MTI now seamlessly integrates our IVR platform logs with Splunk, providing our customers with a powerful logging tool for analysis and troubleshooting. By exporting your VoiceXML and IVR logs directly to Splunk, our development partners now have access to  crucial business data related to their IVR applications.  Splunk software indexes and harnesses machine-generated big data that organizations can monitor, search, analyze, visualize, and act on. More than 4,400 organizations in over 80 countries use Splunk Enterprise for operational intelligence so that they can deepen their understanding of application performance, improve service levels and uptime, reduce cost, and protect against cyber-security risks.

    What you’ll need to get started:

    First, you need to be a customer of MTI. You’ll also need a Splunk account (either a paid account or a free account will work).